Snapshot in Time



When people are struggling, especially in relationships, they conclude that there is no hope. Even those third party observers may conclude the same. The hope that is lost is that there is no possibility for change.

As soon as a person thinks that change is not possible and starts to believe it, then they start to act on that belief. They will do such things as extinguish any hope of change, build expectation on no change, and they will start planning out their lives built on this new fact that no change will ever happen.

In these situations, I try desperately to help them change that belief. A person’s ability to change is always possible!

We need to be more focused on how to help them bring about change rather than planning things out based on the assumption there will be no change.

I tell people that the circumstances that they or others are facing today are simply a snapshot in time. They need to see these circumstance like they would view a photograph. A photograph captures an image of a moment in time. The people in that photograph do not stay the same, they change! They have "influencers" all around them in the form of time, reality, circumstances, relationships, problems, and challenges. All of these things push, pull, mold, and form change.

Time, reality, circumstances, relationships, problems, and challenges are amazing teachers. We should be looking for ways to link arms with them to help fortify, enhance, and support the teaching that can take place.

I suggest looking at the Relationship Maturity Model™ found in Center Path Relationships and the Trust Maturity Model™ found in Natural Prosperity as your starting point.