I'm So Sick of It




After three versions and two miniseries, Sony Pictures has released the fourth movie version of Louisa May Alcott’s “Little Women”.

I have not seen the other versions, but I am sure they are as delightful as the 2019 version is. Rarely can I recommend a movie because of language or content, but this one I wholeheartedly recommend seeing. It is filled with wonderful examples of Center Path, North and South, relationships developing exactly as one would expect following the Relationship Maturity Model™, and so forth.

I love using movies as examples, because you can watch the scene(s) play out and follow the application of the principles. That way we do not need to actually film people having difficult moments which might cause them embarrassment and we do not have to role play the example which is hard at the best of times.

There is a wonderful scene in which Jo is struggling with a conflict that resides at her very core.

Interestingly enough, I found the exact clip of this scene on YouTube. The link is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juGi1Xg5rGc

If that link does not work, then search for “Little Women clip – I’m so sick of it”. I hope the clip will be there when you go looking for it.

My purpose is writing this article is to challenge you to see if you can identify why this conflict exists. Using the principles, describe what is going on and tell me, again using the principles, how you would help her resolve her conflict.

I will not give you any hints right now so you can see if you can figure it out.

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